
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Celebration of Lights

The Celebration of Light is a firework competition that is held every year in Vancouver. The fireworks are launched off a barge in English Bay, so you can see them from many places in the city. The contest takes place over three different nights. This year, the countries competing in the competition were Vietnam, Brazil and Italy!  We first saw Vietnam with some friends while celebrating our friend Jeremy's Birthday!  Vietnam really wasn't all that great,  but at least we had fun with our friends.  A few days later, I (Liz) went down to Kits Beach with our Carolina friends Molly and Alex. Matt was studying Greek that evening, so he missed out. (but did well on his exam!!)  Brazil was definitely my favorite out of the three!  Here is a video clip of the evening.  It's long, but worth watching!

The contest ended with Italy.  We watched the fireworks from the deck of the Darou's house. (A couple we know from church)  Such a great night of appetizers, wine and friends! Here's a picture from the evening. 

In case you're curious...ITALY was the winner! (You can watch Italy below) Next time had my vote!

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