
Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Sunday Scoop

Happy belated American Thanksgiving to everyone!  I think the hardest times to be in another country is on Thanksgiving and the 4th of July.  Obviously, they don't celebrate American holidays here in Canada so everyone just goes on about their days as if they were any other ordinary days.  Little do they know what they're missing just South of the border!

We really missed being at home with our families this year, but we did have a wonderful time celebrating Thanksgiving with our American, Canadian and other International friends here in Vancouver! Sorry we don't have any pictures to post from supper, but just know that it was filled with friends, turkey and all the fixin's!  Matt made some homemade yeast rolls and I made my Grandma Betty's creamed potatoes to share.  Again, we're really missing our families this time of the year, but are super thankful for our "Regent Family" here.

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